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Questions and Assignments
Mr. Temple's US History

Chapter 28:

1. Contrast Truman's and Stalin's style and experience levels going into Potsdam.
2. Where is Potsdam?
3. What did Truman notice about Stalin?
4. Russians wanted to rebuild with... while the US feared..
5. Why did Stalin and Truman divide Europe?
6. Truman said a dozen years later said
7. US and Britain wanted a _________ Germany while Russia wanted to ...
8. How did Western nations perceive Stalin?
9. What did depriving Russians of American assistance do to Russia?
10. By the time Truman informed Stalin of the bomb...
11. What was the major departure in American foreign policy?
12. Keenan believed containment would...
13. What would Truman do to "ensure public backing?"
14. The Containment Policy was to ...
15. What was "a hell of a gamble?"
16. Did the Marshal Plan work?
17. NATO was formed to ... but escalated the ________.
18. How and why did Truman bluff during the Berlin airlift?
19. How did the Berlin Airlift turn out?
20. Most military spending went to the _________.
21. Republican senators said... (about China becoming Communist)
22. What started the Korean War?
23. Technically the Korean War was... in reality...
24. After some victories, Truman shifted his policy to ...
25. Why did MacArthur get fired?
26. The most significant result of the Korean Conflict...
27. 823 questions.
28. Two Truman weaknesses...
29. What became the Republican Slogan and what did it mean?
30. For the first time since the 1930's...
31. Who were Dixicrats?
32. What amazed pollsters?
33. What was HUAC?
34. What was McCarthyism?
35. What did Eisenhower promise if elected...
36. What tactics did Eisenhower use to get the armistice signed?
37. What brought down McCarthy?
38. What was Eisenhower's fondest dream?
39. While Eisenhower kept us out of Vietnam...
40. What was Suez Crisis and what was the result for American influence?
41. What happened with the CIA and the shah?
42. What was Sputnik?
Chapter 26

1. What were men doing that suffered from the effects of the depression?

2. What did Pauline Kael eat win he had no money for meals?

3. How did government change during the depression?

4. Look at the chart on 751 and decide what was most important to bringing unemployment down...New Deal programs or something else.

5. Why did speculators panic?

6. What did unemployment max out at?

7. What factors led to the depression?

8. Why were farmers suffering and what did they do about it?

9. Why were the poor better at survival during the depression?

10. What was riding the rails about?

11. Hoover's response the the depression was...

12. What happened with the Bonus Army?

13. What were FDR's qualities that made him a likable candidate?

14. Name and describe 3 New Deal programs.

15. What was the most significant reform? What were the criticisms of this reform?

16. What was the problem of the unemployment system?

17. Federal welfare, according the FDR...

18. Wagner Act and impact of New Deal...

19. New Deal unfair examples record on minorities...

20. By 1936 75% of Blacks voted for...

21. Why did Blacks support FDR and the New Deal?

22. How did the New Deal treat Mexicans?

23. How did women and men feel about women working?

24. What age women found jobs and which did not?

25. 771 questions.

26. What was the court packing scheme?

27. By 1938 ...

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1. Analyze the differences between the Great Awakenings.

2. Describe the strengths and weaknesses of Native Americans. How did tribes communicate? How did treatment of Indians differ for East to West? How were Indians going to be civilized? How were buffalo used by plains Indians? What was the Sand Creek Massacre?

3. Analyze the differences between Jacksonians and Jeffersonians.

4. Differentiate between Jefferson and Jeffersonians.

5. What was daily life like in the big cities?

6. What were problems with the Homestead Act?
7. Who were foreign minors? What happened to them?

8. How were mining camps ran?
9. Who were decent women? How were they treated?

10. What is Custer's claim to fame
11. What was the Dawes Act?
12. What was the Haymarket Riot and its consequences?

13. What was the importance of railroads?
14. Why did America outgrow Europe's industrialization.
15. Describe the KOL and what their approach was.
16. What is Credit Mobilier?
17. Immigrants' wives were........

18. What were the priorities of immigrants?

19. What was the life expectancy of Blacks in 1880 and 1900?

20. What impact did street cars have?

21. What were the 3 wires that played big roles?
22. Differentiate between Carnegie and Rockefeller.
23. Half of the cowboys were __ or ___.
24. 489 Questions
25. 525 Questions
26. 545 Questions
27. 570 Questions
28. 593 Questions

M-Readings/start video T-Finish video/presentatation: Turn in crosswords W-presentation/questions R-take home test F-AP Test disk Questions

Chapter 27:

1. What was ironic about the Kellog-Briand Act?

2. What was the new American policy?

3. What was America's role during WWII?

4. American diplomats in the 1920's...

5. What tax kept Europeans from paying back their debts?

6. What did Russia agree to do about subversive activity? Since their was subversive activity, didn't this justify the Red Scare? Explain.

7. How did FDR handle imperialism in Latin America?

8. Why did Japan look to Asia to exploit?

9. Who's navies were in competition?

10. How did Japan violate the Washington Conference?

11. What were 2 factors for American isolationism?

12. Name 3 or more factors that led to American pacifism.

13. Roosevelt was on board for pacifism except when he blocked...

14. How did both non-aggression pacts by the US and Russia help Hitler?

15. Why were Americans stunned?

16. What was the breach of neutrality?

17. What was the reaction by many because of FDR's breach?

18. What brought Americans to support the war?

19. Why the urgency for Lend-Lease?

20. What did FDR do with Japan that really forced Japan to try to negotiate.

21. Why did Japan attack the US? Why in Hawaii?

22. What failed to get to American bases that could have saved thousands of lives?

23. FDR said December 7 is a day, "...."

24. What is was the difference in partnerships during WWII?
25. What made war-time cooperation with Russia difficult?
26. What caused the rift that never fully healed?
27. What left the US in control of the Central Pacific?
28. How did American life change as a result of WWII?
29. How did factories adapt to help the military?
30. What percent of taxes did the rich pay?
31. What happened to wages for the first time in the 20th century?
32. What were some negative effects during and after the war?
33. How did FDR handle Philip Randolph?
34. What happened in June of 1943?
35. The all Nisei 442nd...
36. 5000 Nisei...
37. Congress voted an indemnity of ...
38. FDR changed VP in 1944 election because...
39. Dewey said Democrats are soft on ____________.
40. Who led D-Day?
41. 803 questions.
42. Results of the Yalta Conference...
43. How many more bombs were ready after we bombed Japan twice?
44. Some scholars thought Truman was .... but the evidents points that Truman and his advisers were just trying to....

Chapter 30: True or False. If False, make it true.

1. The Kennedy-Nixon debate made Nixon look weak and Kennedy look confident and knowledgeable.
2. Many Democrats and independents though Kennedy was too young and inexperienced before he changed this perception in the debate against Kennedy.
3. Kennedy won largely on his confident and attractive appearance and Nixon’s unattractive appearance and nervousness, but NOT on substance.
4. Kennedy, a Democrat, vowed to win the Cold War.
5. Kennedy secured the Black vote by helping get MLK out of jail.
6. Kennedy easily won the 1960 election.
7. Kennedy won over most of the west and lost most of the east in the election.
8. Kennedy said, “ …we shall pay any price…to assure the survival and success of liberty.”
9. Kennedy proved to be more of a war hawk with his flexible response plan than the former general of the Allied forces [Eisenhower].
10. The Berlin Wall was built after Khrushchev bullied Kennedy to give up on Germany.
11. Kennedy agreed to agree with the Geneva Accords and helped get elections going in Vietnam.
12. Kennedy sent 16,000 advisors to Vietnam.
13. The Diem, who America supported, was popular in Vietnam.
14. Kennedy said, “ [Vietnam War] it is their war. They are the ones who have to win or lose it.”
15. Kennedy said it would be a great mistake to leave Vietnam and lose it to communism like we did in the case of China.
16. Kennedy allowed a coup that overthrew Diem that left a power vacuum the inadvertently led the US into war.
17. Eisenhower had Cuban exiles trained by the CIA to overthrow Castro’s regime and Kennedy successfully carried out the plan.
18. Kennedy did not allow any air support, and all of the exiles were killed by Castro’s forces.
19. Secretary of State Rusk basically the Russians had lost the game of chicken.
20. The Cuban Missile Crisis helped make JFK popular.
21. Shaken by their close call, Kennedy and Khrushchev agreed to install a hotline to speed up direct communication.
22. Kennedy began bolder in his speeches against Russia.
23. Kennedy’s big claim to fame [Cuban Missile Crisis] led to the Russians outbuilding America’s supply of ICBM’s.
24. The New Frontier Programs never got passed.
25. Kennedy hurt the economy by spending so little on defense and space.
26. Kennedy raised taxes and stimulated the economy.
27. Kennedy was afraid to act on Black rights because he might lose the southern support that got him elected.
28. Kennedy told the freedom riders to stop.
29. The Bull Connor incident exposed embarrassed the racist South on television.
30. The Warren Court used cased law to extend the rights of the accused.
31. Engel v. Vitale extended the right of prayer in school.
32. LBJ used his size to intimidate people.
33. LBJ was as good as Kennedy on camera.
34. LBJ was the most influential Senate Majority leader of all time.
35. LBJ pushed through ideology.
36. LBJ was better than JFK at getting legislation passed.
37. LBJ raised taxes and got the economy stimulated.
38. Blacks, single women, and old folks led the biggest group of poor.
39. LBJ declared a “War on Poverty.”
40. LBJ had successes with his War on Poverty before he was re-elected.
41. The media loved JFK and hated LBJ. One was charming the other a bully.
42. Federal aid to education, Medicare, and Medicaid were huge federal programs started under Kennedy.
43. LBJ had growing support by congress, the media, and the universities.
44. The unintended consequence of the Immigration Act of 1965 was too many European immigrants.
45. The emphasis of the immigration act was to improve the economy.
46. The Vietnam War was LBJ’s greatest moment.
47. Everyone in congress except for 2, voted for LBJ to have authority to go to war in Vietnam.
48. LBJ’s tough talk with respect to Vietnam decreased his popularity.
49. The woman LBJ loved was not really a woman.
50. LBJ was better than JFK on domestic issues, but worse on foreign affairs.
51. The counterculture stood for middle class values.
52. To escape getting drafted to fight in the Vietnam War, many went to college.
53. The cultural revolution of the 60’s included sagging pants and close shaves.
54. Tim Leary spoke out against drug use.
55. Stokely Carmichael told blacks to calm down and things will get better.
56. Huey Newton told blacks to be just like MLK.
57. King got lots of support from LBJ.
58. MLK’s death led to one last outbreak of urban violence.
59. Betty Friedman wanted women to be housewives.
60. Ti-Grace Atkinson and Susan Brownmiller believed sexual intercourse with men was a method of male domination.
61. The Tet Offensive was the turning point in the Vietnam War.
62. Democratic Party had become a victim of the Vietnam War.
63. A growing concern over liberalism (drugs, long hair, promiscuousness, etc.) helped get Nixon (Republican) elected.

Questions over chapter 24:

1. How did WWI change America's history?

2. What did Roosevelt say was his most important action in foreign affairs?

3. What Policy governed Latin America until FDR's new policy?

What did this corollary warn?

4. What happened to the Japanese domestically, including racism, and outside the United States under Teddy Roosevelt?

5. What are some examples of dollar diplomacy under Taft?

6. What was Wilson's moral diplomacy?

7. What were the cooling off treaties?

8. Why did the US and Mexico almost go to war with each other?

9. What did Henry Ford and Progressive agree about with respect to WWI?

10. What was Wilson's campaign slogan for the election of 1916?

11. What Wilson secretly doing in 1915?

12. On January 31 Germany...

13. What was the "last straw" getting the US in WWI?

14. Black soldiers...

15. Americans raised the .... to help turn the war around.

16. 705: 1-3

17. How did Wilson get his propaganda across?

18. What were the Espionage and Sedition Acts?

19. US involvement in Russian Revolution...

20. The Red Scare was...

21. The WIB...

22. Hoover helped the war effort by...

23. Garfield introduced...

24. Racial tension over ..... in ... cities in 1917-1919.

25.Which 3 of the 14 points were fulfilled?

26. who were the Big 4?

27. What happened to Wilson that kept him from fighting for his 14 Points to be ratified by our Congress?

28. What did disillusionment lead to?

Chapter 25 Questions

1. Why did the Model T go down in price?

2. What factors increased purchasing power?

3. Steam power was replaced by___________.

4. What did automobiles lead to?

5. What businesses were gaining popularity?

6. What happened to sectional differences?

7. Who by the late 20's was hardest hit and why?

8. What were the ominous signs of danger?

9. Why were skyscrapers built?

10. Who were flappers and what did they want?

11. What did the liberal laws lead to?

12. A typical woman's work week was...

13. How did family change?

14. What was the heart of the youth movement?

15. Who was the #1 crime boss?

16. What standard fell to the new ideas about sex?

17. What was used to promote sex?

18. What made an easy escape from supervision?

19. What percent of married had sex before marriage?

20. What percent of single women had sex?

21. Why do you think more single women had sex than those that were married had when they were single?

22. Critics of the 1920's said...

23. The significant contribution in the arts was ___________ by __________________.

24. 1920's poetry... find examples and write down and read.

25. What was the rural perspective?

26. What was Palmer before the raids?

27. 747 questions

28. The American public reaction to the Red Scare was...

29. The judge statement about Sacco and Vanzetti was...

30. Prohibition led to __________ to law even by ________.

31. The new KKK were....

32. The downfall of the KKK was ______________.

33. The Scope Trial conclusion was...

34. Urban voters began voting...

35. Coolidge was made popular by... and his motto was ...

36. Hoover was made popular by...

37. Who made Americans upset for not having to pay taxes?

38. Which party was ran by the KKK in a few states?

39. What was the message that Hoover learned?