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Quakers, Pilgrims, and Puritans

Mr. Temple's US History

Puritans didn't tolorate other religions

Former Quaker with some insights.

I can answer this question from one side as I was formerly Quaker and worshiped within the Quaker community for many years.

Quakers adhere to a tolerant, non violent, co-existence with others; even though they are inclined to "witness" the teachings of The Bible and those of Jesus Christ. This is starkly different from the ill-reputed history of the Puritan community, which had been involved in many unfortunate and violent events in western history. Most notably in the Civil War of England which resulted in the overthrowing of the monarchy, and the replacement with a dictatorship. And in the Western Hemisphere with the colonization of the Northern Colonies and their sometimes brutal self-policing best demonstrated in the Salem Witch Trials.

During the years before the abolition of slavery, Quakers were known to be stout abolitionists, as slavery was seen in their eyes as an evil towards their fellow man. Puritans were known to keep slaves in the Early English Colonies.

Quaker meeting halls are arranged in a circular fashion; particularly in many small meeting halls with a single row of chairs arranged in a circle. This is symbolic of the belief that all humans are equal in the eyes of God. This does not, however, mean that there is no designated leader within the local Quaker community; there are generally designated spiritual leaders within the Quaker community. But by the spiritual leader placeing him/her-self on the same "level" as the rest of the community, it merely shifts the emphasis away from him/her as the spiritual link between the individual and God and reinforces the core spiritual belief that God is within us all and speaks through us all. Quaker meetings are also conducted in a fashion much different than other divisions of Christianity; a Sunday morning meeting consists of a gathering of Quakers and/or guests (these may be invited or unexpected, all are welcome) which sit in a circle. Anyone is allowed to speak so long as he/she is not interrupting another. The remainder of the time is spent in silence. At the end of the service members greet each other as well as guests.

Quakers were also sometimes referred to as "Shakers" due to the "power of God" or the Holy spirit entering an individual and overtaking them causing them to lose control of their bodily functions and lie"shaking" on the ground. Quakers were also encouraged to be very vocal in community at large, and were known to interupt public gatherings,

Pilgrims and Puritans

Differences with Pilgrims and Puritans

Pilgrims: English Puritans who founded Plymouth colony" is first found 1799 (they called themselves Pilgrims from c.1630, in allusion to Heb. xi.13).

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