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Mr. Temple's US History

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Before the Civil War

* Compare and contrast three colonies

* Puritanism

* Democracy in the colonial period

* Relationship between Great Britain and the colonies to 1763

* Changes in British policy between 1763 and 1776

* Changes in the states during the Revolutionary War

* Articles of Confederation - successes and failures

* Critical period and the writing of the Constitution

* Hamilton versus Jefferson

* Rise of political parties in the 1790's

* Jefferson and the Jeffersonians in power, 1800-1820

* Foreign affairs - 1789-1825 - France, Great Britain, Spain

* Forces for nationalism and sectionalism 1789-1835

* Jacksonianism - issues

* Compare Jefferson and Jackson

* Politics and political parties in the Jackson era, 1824-1840

* Reform

* Manifest Destiny

* Economic issues, 1830-1860

* Slavery and Abolition

* Sectional issues, 1830-1860

* Causes of the Civil War

After the Civil War

* Reconstruction - success or failure

* Black History, 1860-1912

* Regulation and philosophy of big business, 1860-1920

* Politics, characteristics, 1860-1920

* Urbanization, 1850-1920

* Labor organizations - leaders, goals, successes, strikes, issues

* Immigration

* Darwinism and the Social Gospel

* Populism and the money question

* Theodore Roosevelt vs. Woodrow Wilson

* Progressive Movement

* Intellectual critics, 1865-1915

* Foreign policy, 1860-1914

* US vs. Latin America

* Beginning of WWI and WWII, foreign policy

* Aftermath of WWI and WWII, foreign and domestic

* Twenties, characteristics

* New Deal

* Foreign policy, 1920's and 1930's

* Cold War, 1945-1990

* 1960's

* Women in the twentieth century

* Relations with the Far East in the twentieth century

* Black history, 1920-1980

* Presidency in the twentieth century

* Rise of the welfare state

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