Who do you line up with?
Another chance to see who you line up with
1. Who am I?
Supports current Administration plan.1
Foreign Affairs:
Favors an aggressive foreign policy and going after terrorists overseas.42
Homeland Security:
After serving as Mayor, started a consulting firm pushing better emergency preparedness and crisis management.11
Supports some path to citizenship for illegals as long as they have a steady job and learn English.44
Says balancing the budget and lowering taxes are keys to a healthy economy.11
As Mayor, he increased education funding. Supports charter schools and school choice with vouchers.11
Supports alternative energies like ethanol and clean coal. Wants to expand nuclear power.44
Climate Change:
Believes planet is warming, but says there are still questions as to how much of the problem is man-made. Believes pollution
needs to be fought regardless.110
Wants doctors to have better protection from malpractice suits and supports incentives for people to buy insurance.44
Social Security:
Supports some privatization.43
Stem Cell Research:
Supports embryonic stem-cell research45
Same Sex Marriage:
Supports civil unions, but not same-sex marriage.25
Gun Control:
Supports ban on assault weapons and licenses for all handgun owners.42
2. Who am I?
Supports immediate withdrawal of 40,000-50,000 troops. Supports cutting funds for proposed troop increases. He originally
voted in favor of the war.1
Foreign Affairs:
Says America needs to restore its moral leadership in the world by leading charge against weapons of mass destruction,
and focusing more on poverty issues and the conflict in Darfur.5
Homeland Security:
Supports broader partnership between US and European Union to combat issues like terrorism and pandemic flu together.71
Supports increased border security and favors a path to citizenship for many illegals already in the country.72
Supports changing tax policies to give bigger breaks to the poor and middle class.5
Critical of No Child Left Behind. Supports more funding for early childhood education and college. Believes teachers need
more training.74
Supports renewable energies and new technology to reduce foreign oil dependence and stop global warming.5
Climate Change:
Believes US should be capping emissions to stop global warming. Supports a new international treaty that would trade clean
fuel technologies to developing countries in exchange for capping their emissions.5
Supports universal health care. Believes it can be funded by repealing tax cuts for rich.29
Social Security:
Opposes privatization. Believes cutting tax cuts for the rich can help fund the system.73
Stem Cell Research:
Supports embryonic stem-cell research31
Same Sex Marriage:
Supports some civil union rights, but not same-sex marriage.32
Gun Control:
Supports background checks for gun show purchases.103
3. Who am I?
Opposes troop increases and says US should be out of Iraq by 2009, but doesn't support cutting funds. Originally voted
in favor of the war.1
Foreign Affairs:
Supports engagement and UN Sanctions against Iran. Wants a stronger international response to the situation in Darfur.39
Homeland Security:
Wants Homeland Security money more heavily focused on areas that are considered high-risk targets, like New York City.48
Supports a path to citizenship for most illegals already in the country. Supports tougher border patrol laws and wants
to discourage businesses from hiring illegals.48
Supports incentives for businesses to create jobs in struggling communities. Supports middle-class tax breaks.3
Believes No Child Left Behind needs to be changed. Says it's forcing teachers to focus too much on standardized tests.48
Supports putting oil company profits towards research on alternative energy.48
Climate Change:
Believes US must cut emissions to curb the effects of global warming.48
Supports lower prescription drug costs, and universal health care.3
Social Security:
Opposes privatization.40
Stem Cell Research:
Supports embryonic stem-cell research19
Same Sex Marriage:
Supports civil unions, but in the past has not supported same-sex marriage.52
Gun Control:
Supports ban on assault weapons and licenses for all handgun owners.49
4. Who am I?
Supports capping troop levels, and wants full US withdrawal by March 2008. While not a Senator at the time, he has opposed
the war from the start.1
Foreign Affairs:
Supports more monitoring of nuclear technology to make sure it stays out of terrorist hands. Believes more needs to be
done to stop conflict in Africa.8
Homeland Security:
Wants Homeland Security money targeted more towards high-risk areas. Supports better protection for chemical plants. Wants
more tracking of spent nuclear fuel so it doesn't end up in terrorist hands.8
Supports a fence along Mexican border. Supports tougher laws to keep illegals from finding jobs. Supports granting citizenship
to illegals already here as long as they pay fines and back taxes.21
Supports tax incentives to companies that keep jobs in the US. Believes NAFTA needs to be renegotiated to protect American
Supports rewarding good teachers with better pay, and expanding summer learning programs. Wants to increase federal grants
for college education.48
Supports more renewable energies, and wants to look into clean coal uses to get the US away from foreign oil dependency.
Proposed giving automakers help with health coverage in exchange for more hybrid production.48
Climate Change:
Believes global warming will bring devastating consequences if it's not stopped. Supports capping emissions with incentives
to corporations that cut greenhouse gases.8
Supports universal health care, and believes government should buy prescription drugs in bulk to reduce costs. Wants hospitals
to be graded on performance and make a switch to cost-effective, computerized record-keeping.3
Social Security:
Opposes privatization, and believes the system can be fixed with minor changes.40
Stem Cell Research:
Supports embryonic stem-cell research19
Same Sex Marriage:
Supports civil unions, but not same-sex marriage.52
Gun Control:
Supports bans on assault weapons and concealed weapons.49
5. Who am I?
Supports current Administration plan.1
Foreign Affairs:
Supports economic and diplomatic isolation of Iran, instead of engagement.20 Sees Asian economic growth as a major issue.
Wants to increase trade partnership with countries like China and India.15
Homeland Security:
Believes border security is key. Believes US needs to reach out to moderate Muslims to stem growth of terrorism.15
Supports a fence and national guard troops along the border.20
Stresses the importance of fair and equal trade to keep American businesses competitive. Opposes tax increases.15
Sees a growing education gap between US and the rest of the world. Supports more teacher benefits, and more focus on math
and science.15
Supports alternative energy as a path towards energy independence. Also supports looking for domestic sources of oil in
Alaska and other off-shore locations.15
Climate Change:
Believes environmental mandates hurt the economy. Supports innovation to develop alternative energy sources.113
Believes in universal health care, but not through a government program that would raise taxes. He says it can be done
through market reforms. As Governor, he implemented a statewide universal health care plan.15
Social Security:
Believes the system needs serious overhaul. Encourages leaders from both parties to sit down in private to reach a compromise.64
Stem Cell Research:
Opposes embryonic stem-cell research.20
Same Sex Marriage:
Opposes same-sex marriage and civil unions15
Anti-abortion (believes it's a state, not federal issue)20
Gun Control:
Supports ban on assault weapons.6
6. Who am I?
Supports current Administration plan.1
Foreign Affairs:
Believes Iran's nuclear proliferation is a grave risk, and could further destabilize the region.27
Homeland Security:
Supports Patriot Act and wants intelligence officials to have all tools they need. Opposes detaining enemy combatants
without legal rights.56
Supports path to citizenship for illegals already in the country, while tightening current border patrol.33
Supports lowering taxes to help small businesses.13
Supports sending federal dollars directly to local schools, cutting back on red tape.13
Supports alternative energies, and wants to look at nuclear possibilities.50
Climate Change:
Believes nation can't ignore global warming. Supports cutting emissions through market forces that will bring about cleaner
Supports importing prescription drugs to lower costs.36
Social Security:
Says Social Security is failing, partially because it's being unfairly raided to fund other government programs.13
Stem Cell Research:
Supports embryonic stem-cell research35
Same Sex Marriage:
Opposes same-sex marriage (believes it's a state issue)34
Anti-abortion (believes it's a state, not federal issue)33
Gun Control:
Supports background checks for gun buyers.57